M2 iPad Pro and the always-on iPhone 14 Pro display are predicted for late 2022.
AppleInsider is funded by its audience and may make money from qualifying sales as an Amazon Associate and affiliate partner. Our editorial content is unaffected by these affiliate relationships. Always-on iPhone 14 Pro display and M2 iPad Pro due in late 2022 According to a rumour on Apple's product revisions, the iPhone 14 Pro range will benefit from an always-on display that showcases the new lock screen widgets of iOS 16, while iPad Pro changes could include M2-equipped devices. Code found in iOS 16 beta versions appears to support prior allegations that Apple would incorporate an always-on display in the Pro family of iPhone 14 devices. Even though it has reportedly been in the works for a while, according to a report, the arrival of lock screen adjustments has made the modification necessary. According to Mark Gurman's story in Sunday's "Power On" newsletter from Bloomberg, the iPhone 14 Pro will be able to display the same lock screen widgets as the iPhone ...